Friday, 26 August 2011

Chrysanth Diary

Diary of sweet memories...

Chrysanth Diary is a FREE diary software that offers elegant design and functionality to help diary keepers rediscover the pleasure of diary writing. We know that diary writing is a valuable practice, even though our diaries mean differently to each different individual, but generally our dear diary helps us to:

  • reflect on each day’s happenings
  • unleash our deeply buried emotion, especially extreme merriness, frustration or fear that we come across each day
  • keep track of important development or milestones of our life, like our baby’s first steps in its little life
  • plan and review our upcoming ventures
  • preserve our sweet and sour memory for our future reading pleasure
  • train organizing our expression and writing skill
Nevertheless, we also know that while it’s easy to start keeping a diary or journal, it’s even easier to abandon diary keeping! That’s why we created Diary, a diary software that is designed solely around diary writers. Diary is designed to be secure and easy to use. You could start with a password protected diary database that stops every possible prying eye. With a powerful yet easy-to-use diary editor, you could literally unleash all your mind into expressive words in no time.
Powerful and User-Friendly Diary Editor

And we also understand your need to keep all your most precious memories together. We heard your voice and we decided to give you the best diary software that comes with an integrated photo album. You will find it even more tempting to access Diary at anytime, not only to write down all that’s worth to be kept, but also to indulge yourself in those best times that you have ever had by browsing your timeless snapshots of sweet memories.
A Photo Album of Sweet Memories
That’s why many of our existing Diary users found it effortless to keep diary writing with Diary this time, even though they had previously abandoned each hardly mustered determination when they vowed to begin diary writing Beam_with_flower.
If you are really serious about diary writing this time, give yourself a chance, start with Diary and never call it quits, you will see it through this time with all pleasure of diary writing rediscovered. Reward yourself for your last diary writing determination, download Diary for FREE now!
Get it from CNET!


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